OT - From the "Hear no evil. Smell no evil." files...
on 12/22/09 1:41 am
http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/12/22/pakistan.harsh.j ustice/index.html
And some of you ladies thought you had problems if a guy didn't want to get married to you. Sheesh!
Back to the actual story.... I think if we would start to impose some tougher non-traditional punishment like that, we'd see a lot less craziness. We've all heard of those countries that cut the hand off if one is convicted of stealing or cut the willy off if one is convicted of rape. I'd be willing to bet, those particular crimes are amongst the lowest in those countries. Come to think of it, I couldn't even begin to imagine what life would be like without the little head
I tell my colleagues all the time, we are victims of our own polictical correctness!!
on 12/22/09 2:34 am
So sad...
America is the only country that will turn a convicted killer into a human pet (feed 'em, clothe 'em, house 'em, etc...) and then tell the public that he's on deathrow. Now don't get me wrong, some folks are locked up due to trumped up charges. However, for the other known undisputed convicted ones I say go ahead and chop off a few of their body parts, then put their butts back out into society, and dare 'em to try and do something as stupid as they did before again. Once all of these wannabe ********ers and pseudo-tough guys start seeing a bunch of folks limping around their town struggling to carry groceries on a leg and a stump, waving a nubby wing to hail down a cab, they will give up on that thugg-**** quick!
That would save millions across the board on an annual basis, if not tens of millions on "room and board', medical treatment, and all the other shiznit required to sustain these cats, not to mention helping to de-crowd some of the over populated prisons.
There is so much "thugging" going around,, especially in New Haven. It's like every weekend someone is getting shot, lot's of drive by's. To prove that they can handle being in the "gang" they have to go out and shoot some one., and it doesn't matter who. They bully people for no damn reason. When they get shot and die, someone in their family is always on tv talking about what a good kid he was,, and that he was straightening up his life. The court system sucks. I tell my hubby all the time, these tough kids that like to shoot and kill people don't need to be in jail. We pay to take care of them.,, we should take them all out of jail,, give them a machine gun, put them in airplanes, fly over where the war is, and push their butts out the plane,, and let them do what they like to do best,, be bad asses and kill people. And before I get "jumped" on here, let me say that my youngest son was no angel, he spent half his life so far being locked up for something,, he never shot anyone that I know of, but back in the day he was nutty as hell too.
Mary Anne
And Your Hand Over My Mouth ! ! !